

Tiger is an alluring creature known for his power, vigor and prowess [bravery]. The term tiger arise from  the greek word tigris, which means arrow. The tiger is the largest cat species that has a coat of yellow  and brown fur and body covered with black stripes. Tiger is the national animal of India, Malaysia,  Bangladesh and south korea. Different species of tiger represents different countries. There are seven Major levels of Classification of a tiger. They are: Kingdom: animalia Species: panthera tigris. Family: felidae. Genus: panthera. Class: mammalia. Phylum: chordata. Order: carnivora. Where they are found: Wild tigers are found in Asia. The large sub species of tiger including Siberian tiger lives in northern,  colder places such as northern and eastern china and eastern Russia. The smaller subspecies of tiger  lives in southern, warmer places, like India, laos, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bhutan,  Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia, and they are habitat of grasslands,


Elephant :  Elephants are the largest animal on the earth. The unique features are their huge legs, a long proboscis called a trunk, big ear flaps, huge head and tusks [their teeth]. They are found throughout south asia, sub-saharan Africa and south-east asia and they live in different habitats like forests, deserts, savannahs and marshes. There are three species of elephant with same big ears and skin but they are different and unique in their own way. They are: African savannah elephant, Asian elephant and African forest elephant. The word elephant comes from the greek word ‘elephas’, elephas means ivory.  The word elephant has its origins in both greek and latin languages and also the word has it roots in latin and it’s divided into two words : ele means ‘arch’ or ‘arc’ and phant means ‘huge’. The latin name of elephant is loxodonta. They are grayish black in color, but it’s said that they usually appears as the same color as the soil or land where they lives. Elephants are herbivor


Lion : Lion is known as king of forest and a king of all animals because they have power and strength to rule the jungle and its also known as strongest and smartest animal of the forest. They live in groups and their groups called as prides. Every pride is consists of one to three male lions and females in the pride over the year.   Lions don’t have anybody fears, they are fearless animals. The word lion originates from latin, leo, and greek. The word lion means, a large mammal that eats meats and they comes from India and Africa. In African languages lion is called as simba , in french   lion is called as leon, in Italian lion called as leone and in romanian lion is called as leu. Lions are the species of felidae family and they are the member of the genus panthera. They are   habitat to the grasslands and woodlands, where they can easily hunt their prey. According to a survey in 2020, there are only about 20,000 lions left in the world. They have a short, deep - chested body with


Animals play a unique and vital role in maintaining the balance of nature. Several   animal   species survive on   both land and water,   and each has a purpose for   their   existence. There is a variety of animals in the whole world. According to scientists, world contain above 8 millions of species. Animals is further   divided or classified into two groups. This is the vertebrates and the invertebrates. The main difference between them is vertebrates have a backbone and   invertebrates don’t have. Vertebrates are : Fishes, birds, reptiles, mammals   etc ;   and invertebrates are: insects, worms, spiders, snails and crabs etc …. Invertebrates are : 1. FISHES : There are above 32 thousand of species. There are three different types of fish  jawless fish, bony fish, cartilagious fish etc and we have variety of fishes, they are :   White Fish : Mostly found in asia, europe in deep water. Its contains great source of vitamins, protein and phosphoros. Blue Fish : This   fish

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