
Tiger is an alluring creature known for his power, vigor and prowess [bravery]. The term tiger arise from  the greek word tigris, which means arrow. The tiger is the largest cat species that has a coat of yellow  and brown fur and body covered with black stripes. Tiger is the national animal of India, Malaysia,  Bangladesh and south korea. Different species of tiger represents different countries. There are seven Major levels of Classification of a tiger. They are: Kingdom: animalia Species: panthera tigris. Family: felidae. Genus: panthera. Class: mammalia. Phylum: chordata. Order: carnivora. Where they are found: Wild tigers are found in Asia. The large sub species of tiger including Siberian tiger lives in northern,  colder places such as northern and eastern china and eastern Russia. The smaller subspecies of tiger  lives in southern, warmer places, like India, laos, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bhutan,  Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia, and they are habitat of grasslands,


Animals play a unique and vital role in maintaining the balance of nature. Several  animal  species survive on  both land and water,  and each has a purpose for  their  existence. There is a variety of animals in the whole world. According to scientists, world contain above 8 millions of species. Animals is further divided or classified into two groups. This is the vertebrates and the invertebrates. The main difference between them is vertebrates have a backbone and  invertebrates don’t have.

Vertebrates are : Fishes, birds, reptiles, mammals  etc ;  and invertebrates are: insects, worms, spiders, snails and crabs etc ….

Invertebrates are :

1. FISHES : There are above 32 thousand of species. There are three different types of fish jawless fish, bony fish, cartilagious fish etc and we have variety of fishes, they are :  

White Fish : Mostly found in asia, europe in deep water. Its contains great source of vitamins, protein and phosphoros.

Blue Fish : This  fish is found in oceans like pacific, indian, atlantic ocean. It is very expensive.

Eel : They are flatter than snakes and  can  survive  in both salt water and fresh water. Eel  blood is very  poisonous and a small amount of blood can kill a person.

Tuna Catfish : Lives in salt water, it contains heavy metals and attack heart muscle. It is expensive.

Sea Bream :  It is a freshwater and highly prized fish and it is a good fish to eat.

Jellyfish : It is in umbrella-shaped and have soft and long bodies. They live in the oceans and  Some of them live in salt water and only a few live in fresh water. They eat small fishes. There are many kinds of jellyfish, the  largest jellyfish is the lion’s mane. Some of them shine or glow in the dark. Some of them have venom and can kill a person.

2. BIRDS : They don’t have teeths, they have beaks. They have light weight bodies or skeleton and a tough layer of feathers. They lay eggs.

We have many different kinds of birds in the whole world : They are

   Crow : Usually  found in asia continent and they are intelligent, aggressive and playful. Crow eats plants and animals. They can survive long period of time.

2. Peacock is a national bird of India. Mostly every one  love peacock, loves to see them dancing in the rain. Peacock is famous of their feathers and colourful body and they can fly upto short distances.

3. ostrich : There are many amazing facts about ostrich are there; some of them are: 

Ostrich eggs are the largest egg. Ostrich has three stomachs and they functions differently. Ostrich’s kick is enough to kill a person or an animal. They can’t fly as their wings cant support their heavy bodies …

4. sparrow : We can found them  in most  parts  of the world and they can survive upto 4 to 5 years.They eat grains, berries, seeds, peas, tomatoes etc…

5. pigeon : There are different variety of pigeons are there; they are

Ice pigeon, oriental roller, dutch beauty homer, egyptian swift pigeon. There are found in many areas in asia, north africa, europe and there life span is 6 years.They eat fruits, seeds, grains, insects etc.

Parrot : We have  different species of parrots ; they are cockatoos, true parrot, vini, eolophus and many more. Many parrots are colourful and multi colourful.parrots are intelligent and can imitate humans. They can fly high and eat seeds, fruits. Some of them live 95 years and above and some of them live only for 20 years..  

3.  REPTILES : Reptiles are snakes,  lizards, crocodile, turtles, tortoises. They survive on both land and water.

They  lay eggs and they  eat insects, frogs, fishes etc.

1. SNAKES : They found on every continent except antarctica.They eat rabbits, frogs, insects, earthworms,  fishes.They are many different types of snakes ; they are pythons, king cobra, anaconda, watersnakes and the most deadliest snakes is  saw-scaled viper…

     1.Pythons : Are found in australia, africa and asia. python is a dangerous snake its sometimes swallow humans..They lay eggs and their life span is 30 years.

    2.King cobra : is  the most dangerous, longest and poisonous snakeand it is the national reptile of india.Their diet consists of lizards, other snakes.They  lay eggs and build their nests. The life span of a cobra is 20 years.

    3.Anaconda: Found in south america,they are the heaviest and longest snakes. Anaconda lay their eggs                                                 inside the body and then they gave birth to nearly 80 small snakes.They eat birds, sheep,  fishes,  turtles  and many more reptiles and they can live upto 10 years.

   4:Water snakes : found in northern america, it is non-dangerous and survive in  water.They also called as brown water snake, black water snake, north america water snake …

   5.Saw scaled viper : Another name of saw-scaled viper is Echis. It is in cylindrical shape, small in size but venomous and dangerous snake. Reportedly, Echis are responsible for more human deaths  than  other snakes. Found in india, srilanka, africa and pakistan. Eats reptiles, small mammals, Insects. It can survive upto 23 years …

2. LIZARDS : Lizards are of many kinds i.e ; Monitor lizards, glass lizards, iguanas, spiny lizards and many more.The only poisonous lizard is heloderma.

    Monitor lizard : It is a large lizard, with a poweful tails and long necks. F ound in africa and asia and they consume eggs, insects, birds, reptiles, fish and fruits also, depending upon where they live.They  contains venom but its not so powerful. The period of time they can survive is 30 years.

   Glass lizards : Live in africa, asia and america.They are long, they don’t have legs and looks like snakes.They are not poisonous and they can lay 8-16 eggs in a period of time. Glass lizards can survive over 10 years.

  Iguanas : They are native to mexico and america.They are the two species i.e;  green iguana and lesser antilian iguana.They are herbivores and they  eat plants and leaves.They live about 20 years.

Spiny lizards : It is commomly seen in united states and its another name is scaly lizard.They eat silkworms and some other types of worms.

Heloderma : Its has 5 members in its genus,one gila monster and four beaded lizards.All of them are venomous or poisonous. Gila monster lays 6 eggs and beaded lizards lays upto 18 eggs.

Crocodiles : Will survive on both land and water and it can be found in africa, asia, america.They eat lizards,Insects,fishes. They will attack people and people gets severe injuries, some will die. There life span is 70 years or more.

Turtles : There are many kinds of turtles are there : they are ; sea turtles, snapping turtles,box turtles, softshell turtle, pond turtle, mud turtle, dogania and many more.Turtles consume different variety of foods  i.e; berries, fruits, earthworms, snails, beetle, grasses, flowers and many different kinds of foods. Most of the people keep turtle as a pet animal, it is very friendly, non-dangerous. They have different  lifespan, Some survive 15-20 years and some survive 50+ years …

 Mammals of about 5,200 species are vertebrates with hair and mammary glands. Mammals have many other features, including jaws, skeletons, communication, and some features of internal anatomy. Modern mammals have three flakes: monotremes, marsupials, and eutherians (or placental mammals).

Symptoms of mammals

One of the most obvious features of mammals is the presence of protein-rich hair known as keratin. Mammals are endothermic, and the hairs trap, metabolize the boundary layer of air close to the body.

Maintains the heat generated by the activity. In addition to insulation, the hair acts as a sensory system through a special string, called a vibration, also called a mustache. Vibration connects to nerves that transmit information about tactile vibrations produced by sound sensation, which can be passed on to mammals or nocturnal

Particularly useful. Hair can also provide protective color or be part of social signaling, such as when animal hair stops at the "end" to alert its enemies or mammals look "big" to predators.

Unlike the skin of birds, mammalian communication (skin) has many different types of secretory glands. Sebaceous glands are present in most parts of the body. Ecrin glands sweat or

Produce sweat, which is primarily water, but also contains metabolic waste products, and sometimes compounds with antibiotic activity. In most mammals, the eccentric glands are restricted to certain areas of the body, and some mammals do not have them. However, in mammals, especially humans, sweating

The glands are located on the higher surface of the body and are important in controlling body temperature through evaporative cooling. Apocrine glands, or odor glands, secreted substances used for chemical communication. Mammalian glands feed on newborns

Produced to deliver milk. In both monotones and Eutherians, both males and females have mammalian glands, whereas in marsupials, mammalian glands are found only in a few specialized oposums.

Mammalian glands are modified sebaceous or eccentric glands, but their evolutionary origins are not entirely clear.

The mammalian skeletal system has many unique features. Other vertebrates have a skull in their jaws

There are many bones including the quadrilateral bone in the back and the bone in the back of the jaw, and the jaw is in contact with the quadrilateral and articular bones. In other vertebral ears, the inner ear vibrates from the same bone, Spread by staples. In mammals, the quadrilateral and articular bones pass through the middle ear ((Fig)). 

Malleus is derived from articular bone, while incus is derived from quadrate bone. This system of canine and ear bones helps to distinguish fossil mammals from other forms of fossils. Mammalian ear bones. Steps are found in other vertebrates (eg, bird columella), but in mammals, malleolus and incus arise from the articular and quadrangular bones, respectively. (Sincerely: NCI).

The jaw-closing muscles include two major muscles in mammals: the temporalis and the masseter. Working together, these muscles move the jaw upward and downward, making it possible to chew - which is typical for mammals. The teeth of most mammals are asymmetrical, meaning that they have different types and sizes of teeth (incenders, canines, primolars and molars) rather than just one type and size of teeth. 

Most mammals are defiant, meaning they have two sets of teeth in their lifetimes: deciduous or "baby" teeth and permanent teeth. Other vertebrates with teeth

Polyfidants, that is, their teeth change throughout their lifetime. Mammals have four chambers of the heart like birds; However, the heart of birds and mammals is an example of convergent evolution, as mammals originate independently from different groups of tetrapod ancestors. Mammals also have a special group of heart cells (fibers) in the walls of the right atrium called the sinotrial node or pacemaker, which determines the rate. 

Heart Beats Mammalian erythrocytes (red blood cells) do not have nuclei, but other vertebrate erythrocytes are nuclear.

A part of the mammalian kidney nephron is called the Henly or Nephritic loop, which allows mammals to produce urine with high-density solutions - much more than blood. Mammals lack the renal portal system, which is a system of blood vessels Blood travels from the back or lower legs and tail area to the kidneys. All vertebrates other than jaw fish have a renal portal system. The bladder is present in all mammals.

Unlike birds, the mammalian skull has two occipital condes, the bones at the base of the skull are first joined with the vertebrae, and the secondary palate behind the throat helps separate inflammation from the respiratory tract. Turbine bones (beaks in humans) are located on the sides of the nasal cavity, and are airborne. Helps warm and moisturize the breath. In mammals the pelvic bones are fused, and there are usually seven cervical vertebrae (except for a few adenates and manetes).

Mammals have movable eyelids and fleshy outer ears (pinai), which is distinct from the naked external auditory opening of birds. Mammals also have a muscular diaphragm that is deficient in birds.

Mammalian brains also have certain characteristics that make them different from other vertebrate brains. In some, but not all, mammals, the cerebral cortex, the outermost part of the cerebrum, is more complex and folded, with smooth cortex possible for greater surface area. In optic lobe

In mammals the midbrain is divided into two parts, but in other vertebrates there is a single, undivided lobe. Eutherian mammals also have a special structure called the corpus callosum. Lo, it connects the two cerebral hemispheres together. The corpus callosum serves to integrate motor, sensory, and cognitive functions between the left and right cerebral cortex.

Development of mammals Mammals are synapsids, meaning they have a single, paternal fused, postnatal opening in the skull. The only surviving synapses are the earliest forms of extinction from the Jurassic period. Give non-early mammalian synapsids Can be divided into groups: pelicosars and therapids. Within the therapids, a group called synodents is believed to be the ancestor of mammals ((Fig)).

Cyanodont. Cyanodones ("dog teeth"), which first appeared in the Late Permian period 260 million years ago, are considered ancestors of modern mammals. The jaw pores on the cyanodones indicate that they had mustaches, which also indicates the presence of hair. (Sincerely: Nobu Tamura)

Like birds, endothermy is a more prominent feature of the endogenous than ectothemy found in other vertebrates (eg fish, amphibians, and most reptiles).

Increase in metabolic rate to modify the body internally Temperature goes hand in hand with changes in some skeletal structures that have improved food processing and ambulation. The latter synonyms, characterized by highly developed characteristics for mammals, are cheeks for feeding and having asymmetric teeth, which are specific for chewing, especially to speed up digestion. Breaking food and releasing the energy needed to generate heat. Same time to chew.

It also requires the ability to breathe, which facilitates the presence of a secondary palate (which includes the bony palate and the posterior continuum of the soft palate). The secondary palate separates the area of ​​the mouth, where breathing occurs by chewing, allowing the animal to breathe continuously while chewing. The secondary palate is not found in Pelicosaurus but in vertebrates and mammals.

 Canine bone initial Also shows subsequent changes of synapsids. G. The zygomatic arch, or cheekbone, is found in advanced therapeutics such as mammals and cyanodonts, but not in the paleosar. The presence of zygomatic arch indicates the presence of large-scale muscles, which close the jaw and act upon chewing.

 Appendicular skeleton In, the shoulder of the Thryan mammal has been modified by other vertebrates, in which it lacks the prococaroid bone or interclavicle, and the scapula is the dominant bone. Mammals evolved from the Therapids at the end of the Tricic period, as the oldest mammalian fossils date back to about 205 million years ago. Morgnucodone, a group of mutant mammals, small Nocturns are pesticides. The jaws of Morganucodon are "transitional", with features in the reptile and mammalian jaws ((Fig)). Like modern mammals, the Morganucodones are teeth that have been isolated and are defidonant. 

Mammals began diversifying from the Jurassic to the Cretaceous period during the first Mesozoic era. Some small gliding mammals are found in the fossil record during this period. However, most Jurassic mammals became extinct by the end of the Mesozoic. During the Cretaceous period, another radiation of mammals started and about 65 million years ago Continued in the Cenozoic era. A Morganucodont. 

It may be a Morganucodont megazotrodon, an endangered basal mammal, nocturnal and insecticide. Inset: Morgnucodont's jaws, showing two hinges, one between dental and squamosal and articular (yellow) and quadrate (blue) bones. In living mammals, the articular and quadrangular bones are integrated into the middle ear.

Living mammals

There are three main groups of living mammals: monotremes (prototheria), marsupials (metatheria), and placenta (eutheria) mammals. Eutherians and marsupials together constitute a group of Thyrian mammals, while monotony constitutes a sister clade to Metaterians and Eutherians. There are very few surviving species of monotrame: four species of platypus and echidnas, or spiny antistors. The skin beak belongs to the family Platypus ornithorhynchidae ("bird's beak"), while Echidna belongs to Tachyglossidae ("sticky tongue") (Fig.). One species of Platypus and Echidna is found in Australia, and another species Echidna New Guinea. 

Is found in The monotony in mammals is because they lay eggs, rather than giving birth to young ones. Their egg peels are not like the hard shells of birds, but rather are shells that resemble reptile egg shells. Monotrames lay their eggs for two-thirds of the growth period and then lay them in the nest. The yolk sac supports placental development Helps to do. Babies move out of the fetal position and develop their nest. The secreted milk nourishes the whole, mammary glands. 

The monotrame, except for the young platypus, does not have teeth. The body temperature in the three monochromatic species remains at about 30 ° C, which Between 35 and 38 CC is generally much lower than the average temperature for marsupial and placental mammals. Mammals that lay eggs. (A) The platypus lays eggs instead of monotonous skin beaks and gives birth to a young living being. (B) Ichidna is another monotone, whose long hair is turned into a spine. (Credit B: Revision in the work of Barry Thomas) More than 2/3 of the approximately 330 living species are found in Australia, with the remainder, all types of oposums found in the Americas, particularly in South America. 

Australian marsupials include kangaroos, koalas, bandicoots, Tasmanian ghosts ((pictured)), and many other species. Like the monotrame, the marsupials fetus is nourished by the yellow-bag placenta during the short gestation (about a month in the kangaroos), but not

Middle egg shell. Some marsupial embryos may enter the embryo's diapause, and delayed implantation until completion of implantation can prevent development.

From birth to puberty, there may be a fetus in effect. More, but not all of this, the species marsupials have a sac in which the young live prematurely, obtain milk, and take their Continue development. In the Kangaroos, young Joy continues nursing for about a year and a half. Marsupial mammal. Eutherian mammals are sometimes called "placental mammals" because all species have a complex choriolatonic placenta that connects the fetus to the mother, allowing the exchange of gases, fluids, and nutrients. Placenta in 18 to 20 orders.

There are about 4,000 species of mammals, they have various adaptations to fly, fly, hunt, run and climb. In an evolutionary sense, they have been incredibly successful in form, diversity, and prosperity. Eutherian mammals are classified into two main categories, the clades, Atlantogenata and Borioedaria. Afrotharia in Atlantogeneta (eg, elephants, hyrax and manatees) And Xenarthra (anteaters, armadillos, and sloths). Borioedaria consists of two large groups, Eucarcontogliares and Larasoria.

Familiar orders in eukaryoglieres include scandinia (tree skins), rodents (mice, rats, squirrels, hedgehogs), lagomorpha (rabbits and rabbits), and primates (including humans). Major lauresitheran The orders include perisodactyls (eg, horses and rhinoceroses), Setterodactyla (eg, cows, giraffes, pigs, hippos, and whales). Carnivora (eg, cats, dogs and bears), and Cairoptera (bats and flying foxes).

Section summary

Mammalian gland communication involves a variety of secretory glands, including the sebaceous glands, eccentric glands, apocrine glands, and mammalian glands. Mammals are synapsids, meaning that there is only one opening in the skull behind the eye. Mammals probably evolved from treatments at the end of the quarterly period, as early mammalian fossils date from the beginning of the Jurassic period. The main feature of synapsids is endothermy, and is homothermic of most mammals.

Three groups of mammals live today: monotrem, marsupial and eutherian. Monotrames are unique in mammals rather than laying Eggs give birth to young people. Marspiels give birth to an immature young, which usually completes its development in the sac. Eutherian mammals are sometimes called placental mammals, such as all species

They have a complex placenta that connects the fetus to the mother, allowing the exchange of gases, liquids, and nutrients. All mammals feed their strands with milk, which originates from modified sweat or sebaceous glands.

1.INSECTS : We have a number of insects throughout the world. We have butterflies, mosquitoes, beetles, bees, ants, lady bugs, dragonfly and many more …

   Butterflies : They are the beautiful creature of God, their beauty is amazing and priceless. There is variety of  butterflies , like we have cabbage white, monarch butterfly, painted lady, morpho, red admiral, and we have a number of colourful butterflies. They sucks or drink  flowers and fruits  juice.They only survive a short period of time, there life span is 12 months, they will not survive more than a year…

Mosquitoes : The female mosquitoe lay eggs in or near the water and then eggs hatch, larva comes out of it. If a mosquitoe bites, rashes appears on the area, mosquitoe bites spread diseases like dengue, malaria etc. So many people are dying  of these diseases. Mosquitoes are  dangerous species. They can surive only a short period of time of 6 to 7 days ….

Bees : According to research, Bees are found on every continent except  Antarctica. They produce honey and all the workers  bees is  female. A sting of a honey bee is dangerous, we have to go for a medical checkup because it is very painful. Life span of a honey bee is 14 to 28 days..

 Dragonfly : They have been around 300 millions ago. We usually sees dragonflies near ponds, seas, lakes  and female dragonflies lay eggs near or under water,then the eggs hatch into nymphs. They eat bees, butterflies, ants, flies, and mosquitoes. They live upto 6 months..

Lady bugs : Lives forests, grasslands, near river and they are native of noth america and europe. They are small in size, they eat pests and they are not dangerous. They survive  only  1-2 years …

 2.WORMS : There are above 2000, different types of worms and they don’t have legs, arms or eyes.They include earthworms, flatworms, round worms, Bootlace worms and arrow worms. Lets see them in details :

  Earthworms : They don’t bite or sting humans  and they breathe through their skin, if their skin dries out,they will die. We can find earthworms in the soil and they can be oocur worldwide. They eat fungi, bacteria, plant matter… Another names of Earthworms are angelworms, rainworms, dew worms.

  Flatworms : They found in south asia and spread all over the world. They  will find in forest areas and survive only in soil. If a person eats uncooked crabs and once the worms enter the body they starts growing this leads to lungs infection. They can survive upto  60 to 140 days..

  Roundworms : They  survive  in humans body, in intestine  and can  survive for a long time. There are many  types of worms, they can enter  humans body  through mouth  and they are harmful. Mostly found in stool and soil. They lives in small intestion for  1 to 2 years.

  Bootlace worms : These worms are found in cold waters,in britain and sweden. This worms are known as longest animal on earth. They usually eats a living prey but also  feed on dead fragments. These worms are toxic.

  Arrow worms : also known as chaetognath. They are in the arrow shape and there bodies are transparent. They eat  fish larvae,copepods,amphipods. They live in colder, water surfaces, in deep seas and in marine water. They survive ony for six weeks.

 3.SPIDERS : There are above  40,000 of different species of spiders, and all of them are poisonous and dangerous. We can find them in every continent except Antarctica. They consume insects,frogs, lizards, worms, snails, birds and bats.  The bigget spider is goliath bird-eater and the venomous spider is Brazilian wandering  spider.  

  Goliath bird-eater : This spider is called as king of spiders as their leg span is up to 12 inches and their weight is  six ounces.  Also  known as goliath bird eating spider. The largest spider in the world and this spider is found in south america. They consume  insects, worms, amphibians, lizards, frogs and even snakes, rather than birds. According to the researchers, the female goliath bird eater can survive upto 20 years and the male spider  can survive  only for 3-6 years…

  Brazilian wandering spider :  According to The Guinness book of world records, Brazilian wandering spider is world’s poisonous or venomous or dangerous spider. Its bites may kill humans and especially its bite is  very  dangerous for children. This spider is found in Brazil and in America. Another name of the spider is armed spiders. They eat mice, lizards, insects, crickets and many others. They can only suvive for one or two years.

There are many more types of spiders: They are; Black widow spider, wolf spider, hobo spider and many  more… 

  Black widow spider : They  found in united states, europe, asia, australia, africa. If a black widow bites to a humans, leads to paralysis, nausea and sometimes leads to death. They consume ants, caterpillars, scorpions, cockroaches, beetles. There life span is upto  to  1 to 3 years.

 Wolf spider : They are found in united states and in california. There bites are not dangerous or harmful to humans but there bite can cause swelling, itching and light pain. Wolf spiders can jump, run faster and  they have eight eyes. Male wolf spiders can survive only for one year and female wolf spiders  can survive for many or several  years.

  Hobo spider : Most of them are found in birtain and united states but they are the native to europe. Their  venom is not dangerous. They feed on insects. Female hobo spiders can lay upto 60 to 100 eggs. The male spider can live for few months but a female spiders can live for two years.

4. SNAILS : There are  about 43 thousand species all over the world. Some of them have poison and others are poisonous. The most venomous or poisonous snail is cone snail.

 Cone snail : They are the most dangerous snails, they are not only harmful for animals but they are harmful to humans also, many deaths of humans have been recorded. They are found in oceans  around the world, in mediterranean sea , california and in south  africa. They eats fish, marine worms, and even other cone snails. There  life span is 10 to 20 years.

There are many more types of snails : They are ; garden snail, milk snail and many more :

 Garden snail : Also known as Cornu aspersum. We can see  them in gardens and parks. They are herbivorous  and they eat leaves, plants and fruits. Some of them can survive upto 2 to 5 years and some can survive upto 10 to 15 years.

 Milk snail : They are habitat of United states and lives in rocky and bushy lands.  They feed on plants. They produce  86 eggs at once. There lifespan is about 6 to 7 years.


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