

Tiger is an alluring creature known for his power, vigor and prowess [bravery]. The term tiger arise from  the greek word tigris, which means arrow. The tiger is the largest cat species that has a coat of yellow  and brown fur and body covered with black stripes. Tiger is the national animal of India, Malaysia,  Bangladesh and south korea. Different species of tiger represents different countries. There are seven Major levels of Classification of a tiger. They are: Kingdom: animalia Species: panthera tigris. Family: felidae. Genus: panthera. Class: mammalia. Phylum: chordata. Order: carnivora. Where they are found: Wild tigers are found in Asia. The large sub species of tiger including Siberian tiger lives in northern,  colder places such as northern and eastern china and eastern Russia. The smaller subspecies of tiger  lives in southern, warmer places, like India, laos, Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bhutan,  Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia, and the...

Differences between seals and sea lions

Ocean lions are altogether different from seals despite the fact that their appearance is fundamentally the same as the stripped eye. In the first place, ocean lions have two little external ears, while seals have no sound-related shade. The other enormous contrast lies in the back folds. Ocean lions can twist their back folds, this permits them to stroll without laying their stomach on the ground. The seals, then again, slither on the ground to move. The ocean lion, along these lines, is a creature considerably more spry and adaptable than the seal. He is fit for turning, hopping, bending his entire neck until he touches his back or remains on the back flippers. Ocean lions have their bodies secured with hair to separate themselves from the icy inside the water. Be that as it may, on the off chance that it is excessively hot, you can evacuate both the pectoral and back blades out of the water to keep up an appropriate temperature. The hide transforms it twice pe...

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